
office of strategic services معنى

  • مكتب الخدمات الاستراتيجية
  • office    n. منصب, مكتب, ديو ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • strategic    adj. إستراتيجي
  • services    خَدَماتٌ

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. office of special plans معنى
  2. office of special relief operations معنى
  3. office of staff legal assistance معنى
  4. office of statistics معنى
  5. office of strategic planning and programme management معنى
  6. office of technology assessment معنى
  7. office of technology policy معنى
  8. office of telecommunications and postal service معنى
  9. office of terrorism and financial intelligence معنى
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